the CANDYcolored studio of oil painter katrina berg

SWEETlady: anneclaire berg

Episode Summary

it seems trite to say that it’s a joy to have a daughter, but it really is. i’m so grateful to take this wild journey of life alongside anneclaire. full of grace and gumption, she’s taught me so much! i’m so happy to celebrate her 14th year and love on her today. if you’re interested in some of her weekly cookie treats, visit @sweettreatsbyanneclaire or email me and we’ll get you on her list. (and yes, she started shipping recently).

Episode Notes

it seems trite to say that it’s a joy to have a daughter, but it really is. i’m so grateful to take this wild journey of life alongside anneclaire. full of grace and gumption, she’s taught me so much! i’m so happy to celebrate her 14th year and love on her today. if you’re interested in some of her weekly cookie treats, visit @sweettreatsbyanneclaire or email me and we’ll get you on her list. (and yes, she started shipping recently).

- what should i talk about next?  let me know in the comments below. 
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