the CANDYcolored studio of oil painter katrina berg

finding peace & comfort while grieving all the things

Episode Summary

today, i mourn with you dear friend...your personal losses in 2020 that seem to be rolling over into 2021...the losses of your family and loved ones. truly, we all grieve in different ways, and each personal loss can even require a different path to healing. may you find comfort, and the strength to follow your heart...whether it’s to stay quiet, to move slowly, or to face the challenges straight on. may you find the best ways to grieve and move forward, that will ultimately bring you the most peace and comfort along your way.

Episode Notes

today, i mourn with you dear friend...your personal losses in 2020 that seem to be rolling over into 2021...the losses of your family and loved ones. truly, we all grieve in different ways, and each personal loss can even require a different path to healing. may you find comfort, and the strength to follow your heart...whether it’s to stay quiet, to move slowly, or to face the challenges straight on. may you find the best ways to grieve and move forward, that will ultimately bring you the most peace and comfort along your way.

Mentioned In This Episode:
episode 22: our secondary infertility journey
dallin h. oaks: good, better, best

winter's song 4x4" oil on wood (click to see)

nightengale 4x4" oil on wood (click to see)

winter's bling 30x36" oil on wood (click to see more)

- what should i talk about next?  let me know in the comments below. 
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